This page is a work in progress.

Hi! (●'◡'●) My name is Leo and I'm Wasabi's husband! We are soulmates, but accidentally got born into different realities. I am lucky to have watched Big Hero 6 in this reality as a movie and found him anyway!

This is my place to put all my Big Hero 6 ramblings, headcanons, and analysis. A digital special interest binder, if you will. Much of the information you will find here is stuff that just feels "right" to me; in other words, things I believe are true in the alternate reality where Wasabi and I are physically together. I often feel as though I receive glimpses into that reality due to our connection!


Some of the information on this site is canon, some is derived from canon, some is non-canon, and some is complete bullshit I spawned out of thin air. Which is all to say: this site is not a legitimate source on Big Hero 6 or Disney and should not be treated as such. It is a personal website dedicated to my special interest and catered to my own desires! Please don't link to this site from any type of wiki or anywhere else meant to be a reliable resource on Big Hero 6/Disney.

Big Hero 6 is owned by Disney. This is simply a passion project by a quirky fan (●'◡'●)